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Active Flag News

Ms. McGrath is the coordinator of the Active Flag program in our school. She has a very busy committee, consisting of pupils from 2nd to 6th class. These are Zoe, Liliana, Sophie, and Mairéad.

In January 2023 we began  with  a slogan competition, to encourage pupils to be active.
Beatrice from 4 th class was the winner, with her slogan: Get fit, don’t sit, do it!
Well done, Beatrice!


All classes were involved in the # JumpIntoJanuary skipping challenge, which
was great fun. That involved skipping challenges, and gave us all a great
incentive to play together, and learn new skipping rhymes and games.
Everyone took part in the next challenge, called Run Around Ireland in February and March.

That encouraged all pupils and teachers to walk or run each day. We aimed to travel far enough to reach well-known landmarks from all over Ireland. A very popular activity that began in the last term was Fun Friday at
lunchtime – this was when the Active and Amber flag committees came together on the playground, to play music for all pupils, and to encourage everyone to dance and be active during the lunch break. This was kept up, each week in the summer term.

A special Active Walkway was installed in the yard this Spring and played a part in the Orienteering Day during Active Week in June.
A daily morning walk/ jog continued during morning assembly in the playground, with all classes mingling together, happy to be active before the school day began.

Our Active Flag journey continues apace!

in 2024, we have run around Europe, and been on walks in the summer and in autumn.


In November 2024, we have an Active Break every day, for 4 weeks!


See some of our photos of Active Break times, in association with the Irish Heart Foundation, below.

Remember: Get fit, don’t sit, do it!


For 2023/ 24, Active School activities included running challenges and enjoying our new Active Walkway.

All classes ran, daily in the yard, and with their combined running distances, reached Ukraine, and Poland!



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