Sacraments: First Eucharist and Penance, Confirmation
Children in 2nd class prepare to receive the sacraments of First Penance and First Eucharist each year, while 6 th class pupils prepare for Confirmation. These are special celebrations in Castlecomer Parish. Parents are updated on preparatory Masses etc and we also share news on our blog.
Friday assembly
Each week, an assembly is held to reward excellent behaviour in class and in the playground. One pupil is selected from each class, by their class teacher. The special certificate may be awarded for outstanding work in class, a marked improvement in work, or for co-operative, supportive behaviour in class. The teachers are always watching out for good behaviour!
Presentation Day
To honour Nano Nagle each year, we hold a special assembly on November 21. Each year pupils produce a short play about Nano’s dedication to children and their education. Everybody sings the school’s anthem, “One Step Beyond.” In 2018 we took part in celebrating Nano’s tercentenary, called Nano 300. Pupils read the story of Nano at this time and learn what the symbols in her special icon mean. They recite Nano’s prayer.
Nano's Prayer:
O God, who filled the heart of your friend, Nano Nagle
with your love and a longing to do what You wanted, in any part of the world, we ask
that we may also love You and make You much loved.
If it pleases You, we also ask that she may one day become a saint in heaven, through
Christ our Lord, Amen.
Catholic Schools Week
In January/ February each year, all pupils and teachers join together to pray, reflect on what it means to be a Catholic School and to celebrate St Bridget, and the arrival of Spring.
Festival of Light:
We like to take part in community activities and the Festival of Light is the perfect opportunity to get creative in class, making lanterns and taking part in the festivities in Castlecomer town and the Discovery Park. We look forward to the lantern-making workshops each winter.
Attendance awards at end of year
Good attendance is strongly encouraged in school, and pupils who have achieved full attendance are recognised at the end-of-year assembly and are awarded a special certificate.
Graduation and farewell to First class boys
Boys attend from Junior Infants to the end of 1st class. Before they leave our school to move into 2nd class, they get a fond farewell from the staff and the other pupils. We wish them the best of luck in their next school. The 6th class girls look forward to secondary school and reflect on their time in primary, with their graduation ceremony held in June. This is a celebration with song, stories, prayers and refreshments!
Lenten Projects
This year’s Lenten campaign is in aid of the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Pupils contribute towards a whole-school collection for a specific group of items during each week of Lent. For example, the collection in week one is for non – perishables, and in week two, we collect toiletries and cleaning products. We are helping a local organisation and can see the collection grow.
A past event that involved the whole school community and parish:
50th anniversary:
Our school’s 50th anniversary was celebrated in 2015. We had a Mass, a big reunion for past pupils, a children's’ disco and magic show. We worked hard on history projects and made a museum!
Our school’s motto ‘Together We Bring the Light’ was created by a pupil in 2015 and Graham Kenny designed our unique school logo you can see on this website!