After the Snow Days at the beginning of term, we returned to school to learn and play in 2025.
Here are some photos of our artwork and groupwork, below:
Fantastic and colourful New Year display from 1st and 2nd Class
Junior Infants were inspired by the snowy weather!
5th and 6th class made some amazing 3 -D art! Check out the patterns and the materials!
Outside the HSCL room, is a display co-ordinated by Mrs C Kenny, with all the junior classes' help.
3rd and 4th Class zoomed into Picker Pals to learn about biodiversity and take part in a Kahoot quiz!
1st to 6th class took part in this rainbow display. What a great message for a New Year - Be a Rainbow in Someone's Cloud.
Good News in the Kilkenny People - Mrs Jacob presented a cheque to Focus Ireland, thanks to all the donations from families, for Christmas jumper days and Halloween fancy dress.
A positive message for the New Year - Be a Rainbow in Someone's Cloud
Senior Infants and First Class made these intricate snowflakes and learned a new poem.